Number 516 - Ozzy Osbourne

Genre:Hard Rock
art by lippylike
Fascinating, i know its exactly what your thinking. The Occult, Ozzy Osbourne & none other than Mr Aliester Crowley himself. I am not a follower of Mr Crowley but i am intrigued by his delusions and beliefs or is that delusional beliefs? Unfortunately it is very hard to acquire his book called "The Book of the Law" and also "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley" especially in New Zealand. If you ever have to do a school project on famous people, then Mr Crowley would make an excellent choice, its a guaranteed A. Might get you kicked out of college, but hey, that's the price of an intellectual artist like yourelf.
About the song ......
what lampshade?

Im still alive, yanno

Randy Rhoads
The guitar solo in "Mr. Crowley" is ranked number 28 on Guitar World Magazine's 100 poll of the "100 greatest guitar solos". According to band mythology, Osbourne was dissatisfied with the first guitar solo that Randy Rhoads recorded for the song. Rhoads, in angry protest, went into the studio right away and banged out the famous solo. Afterwards, he stormed out and asked how that solo was. Osbourne smiled and said: "This is it!".Famous covers include Moonspell (Darkness and Hope, 2001) and Cradle of Filth (Nymphetamine Special Edition, 2005). Tim 'Ripper' Owens (with Yngwie Malmsteen on guitar), Joe Lynn Turner, George Lynch and The Cardigans have also recorded covers of the song. Also, in the game Guilty Gear XX, the character I-No plays part of the ending solo to "Mr. Crowley" as one of her win pose ~ [Source:Wikipedia]

And the Album, "Blizzard of Ozz"
holy bat burger!

For more Ozzy see Number 744, MM Vol 2 #138 Other songs with reference to Ozzy #527, #557, #602, #708, #826, #979
For Black Sabbath see Number 979 & #826
For Led Zeppelin see Number 957 & #577
For Yngwie Malmsteen see Number 835
For The Cardigans see Number 862
What does Rolling Stone think about Ozzy?
RS:Randy Rhoads, your first guitarist after leaving Sabbath, died in a plane crash in 1982. He was just twenty-five, and you got to make only two albums with him, Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman. What did you get from him in that short time? Ozzy: He gave me such a lift. He was not only a fantastic guitar player. Randy worked with me: "Sing that, but try it in this key." In Sabbath, whatever they laid down, I had to put a vocal on it. He was very quiet, and dedicated to his instrument. Every day, on tour, he would get up, look in the Yellow Pages for a classical-guitar teacher and have a lesson. On that last fateful tour, he said to me on the bus, "I want to quit the band." I'm like, "What's up with you? We've got another album in the charts." He said, "I've tasted what it's like to be a rock star. I want to get a degree in classical guitar." I said, "Make some fucking dough first." He was always up for a higher challenge.

RS:Were you guys interested in black magic -- even a little? Ozzy:We couldn't conjure up a fart. We'd get invitations to play witches' conventions and black masses in Highgate Cemetery. I honestly thought it was a joke. We were the last hippie band -- we were into peace.
RS:In a lot of live Sabbath photos, you're flashing the peace sign. Ozzy: I never did this black-magic stuff. The reason I did "Mr. Crowley" on my first solo album [Blizzard of Ozz, 1980] was that everybody was talking about Aleister Crowley. Jimmy Page bought his house, and one of my roadies worked with one of his roadies. I thought, "Mr. Crowley, who are you? Where are you from?" But people would hear the song and go, "He's definitely into witchcraft."

RS:If you could write your own epitaph, what would it be? Ozzy: Just "Ozzy Osbourne, born 1948, died so-and-so." I've done a lot for a simple working-class guy. I made a lot of people smile. I've also made a lot of people go, "Who the fuck does this guy think he is?" I guarantee that if I was to die tonight, tomorrow it would be, "Ozzy Osbourne, the man who bit the head off a bat, died in his hotel room. . . ." I know that's coming. But I've got no complaints. At least I'll be remembered. ~ [Source:Rolling Stone Magazine]
Artist Fact File
Name:Ozzy Osbourne................Related to³:Black Sabbath
Yrs Active:1968 to
Best Song¹:Mama,Im Coming
Best Album²:No More Tears.........Grammy Awards:1
Albums Sold:50 Million +..........Next best thing:Alice Cooper
¹Number of downloads WINMX ²Artistdirect choice ³Associated acts or collaborations
Rolling Stone Top 500 Songs ranked this song at Number (We are not into voodoo) and the Album ranked at Number (have you seen our rabbits foot?)
This song has a crowbarred rating of 74.7 out of 108 pts
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Tags:Ozzy Osbourne, 1980, Hard Rock, Aleister Crowley, Black Sabbath,Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, The Cardigans,YouTube, Music Video, Rolling Stone Magazine, Crowbarred, New Zealand, Crowbarred Unleashed, The Definitive 1000 Songs Of All Time, Mellow Mix Volume 1, Mellow Mix Volume 2, Mellow Mix Volume 3, Mellow Mix Volume 4, Mellow Mix Volume 5, Mellow Mix Volume 6, Mellow Mix Volume 7, Mellow Mix Volume 9, Mellow Mix Volume 10, Mellow Mix Volume 11, Mellow Mix Volume 12

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underlay crowbarred trademe
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